2024 Noteworthy Assembly Republican Session Actions
✓Forced Assembly Democrats to lay aside legislation that would have prohibited non-emergency drug and alcohol testing of pregnant women and/or newborns without specific consent (A.109-B)
✓Assembly Democrats blocked two motions to discharge that would have created the Rural Mobile Communications Fund to increase cell service in low- to no-coverage areas (A.8134, Smullen) and provided a $6,000 income tax deduction to veterans who were other than dishonorably discharged (A.8351, Pirozzolo)
✓During debate on legislation (A.435-B), Assembly Republicans, led by Assemblyman Durso, offered an amendment to add four additional counties (Bronx, Richmond, Saratoga, and Monroe) in which such an action can be commenced that was rejected by Democrats
✓Enact “Melanie’s Law” to allow courts to issue orders of protection for immediate family members or household members of named victims (A.6026, originally A.3277, Beephan)
✓Exempt non-electronic notarial acts from being required to be recorded or maintained in a notarial record (A.7241-A, originally A.6207, Norris)
✓Require commercial passenger vessels operating on non-navigable underground waterways to be inspected annually (A.10399, similar to A.7861, Norris)
✓Establish a Fiscal Cliff Task Force to study fiscal cliffs throughout public assistance programs and to make recommendations on how to reduce or eliminate them (A.8431-A, similar to Part C of A.3390, Ra)
✓Establish the Rural Suicide Prevention Council (A.7188, similar to A.1680, Blankenbush)